Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for about one in every four deaths.1 While there are many risk factors for heart disease, one of the most important is the buildup of plaque in the arteries. This plaque, made up of cholesterol, fat, and calcium, can narrow or block the arteries, leading to a heart attack or stroke.2
Calcium score screening is a non-invasive test that uses a special type of X-ray to measure the amount of plaque in the arteries.3 This information can help doctors determine a person’s risk for heart disease and make recommendations for treatment.
What is calcium score screening?
Calcium score screening is a non-invasive test that uses a special type of X-ray to measure the amount of plaque in the arteries.3 This information can help doctors determine a person’s risk for heart disease and make recommendations for treatment.
How does calcium score screening help in the fight against heart disease?
Calcium score screening can help identify people at high risk for heart disease. This information can then be used to make lifestyle changes or start medication to prevent a heart attack or stroke.3
The relationship between high calcium score in Millburn, NJ and the risk of coronary heart disease is well established. Calcium score results can also be used as a surrogate marker for other heart disease risk factors, such as diabetes. If your score is low, your risk of heart disease is also low.
What are the goals of calcium scoring?
Calcium scoring is a simple, noninvasive way to estimate the degree of coronary artery calcification, a marker of atherosclerosis.
This technique can be used to assess whether patients are at risk for heart disease and can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments that may prevent heart disease.
Is calcium scoring the same as coronary artery calcium scoring?
Calcium scoring is an imaging technique, which means that it requires the injection of a dye and a special x-ray machine to measure the amount of calcium present in the arteries.
Calcium score screening is a valuable tool in the fight against heart disease. This non-invasive test can help identify people at high risk for heart disease and guide treatment decisions.